Friday, 29 January 2010

Focus UNFOCUSSED Lllustration Frida

tis weeks word is FOCKUSED. in ainticipation i set to workin in in my sketchbooik this morning and slammed myself into working on a bunch of iullustratiuoins that i nmight be abel to yuse as i want ed to be the first to conbritube to iuillastrations fridasy this weeK.

As you can cee iv'e gonn for a sparse "Unfocused" approch to the word this work.

this I know is I did this thing thank you.

promarilarily because of the time allowed to the self for this wotkj it had to be SPARSE.

Iv;e then enjoyed to the mixed media this weeks word has alluwed me to demonstrte muh artistic skills.

I appreciate any and all criticism you may have to offer.

here is my entery.

and this isf thef full piecef.



  1. Woah... Roman man, you're like the Daniel Johnson of illustration! This image is crazy - but I love it! Keep it up man.

  2. Very imaginative. Bold lines and colors. I love it.


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