Wednesday, 13 September 2017

My Name is Roman and You Won't Believe What Happened Next

 I'm sop sorret for click baiting you into my windows messenger like this, but please examine some photos I took of my daughters during a recent school trimppers to Francis Chaplins

I THOUGH TO MESELF, i Walways wittering on about my son JOSHUAS, its time to introduce you to the rest of me family/clan/progeny/offpsing/afterbirth shit blobs, so here's me other kidz n shit

 1. These are my daughters Terry and Martha. Martha like to fart onto black bacon while Terry used to be a shed roof designer but lately the two of them have worked out a new way to stiumulate bottom fat plumping technologys

2. This iam my daughter JANICE RAND - shes got a severely defformed cujnt flap - the dr mario said she needs to have it all whipped off with a chainsaw - I saw let her live with her fucking hrrobiles distortiokns

3. This am my daughter Natalie Unique - LOOK AT DEM SHITTY TITS - theyre fucking crap - she didnt inherit the from me, mine are pendulous and feel like tesco carrier bags full of garden waste - she aye my daughter geneticakllky I doe thing

4. This is my daughter Fleggy. She has horrible taste in t-shirts and dresses but I gotter admire her taste in shocks. she took a photo of me holding a camera while thrusting out an undigested sparrow last winter - we have her pubic hairs welded to our front door to dscare away the postmens

5. THIA IS A DAUGHTER CALLERF "NAKED SHIT" SHE'S MY LEASTEST fevaourites daughter cos bshe got married to a jungle when she was 5 days old. I had no say in the matter so I think when I dowload the new remastered version of Terminator 2 I will forbid her from ENTERING m y chameber

6. Finally this is my daughter JAPP and her BROTHER (My son) KEVINS

I really like the way they treat each other in such gentle ways, and like good kids they only exist in black and white - thats exactly how my grtandparenbts brought me up when I was a 30 year old teenager living in a bucked of wasp bile in spain

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