Helo Gavin
So I've decided that in order to tyake my carer ti the next stage, i should try to focus on doing this, my blog, with the ambition of making it bigger than Instagram, Tik Tok and Friends Reunited combined.
With that in mind, here is my first thought of the day
The other night I had a remembering session and remembered the time John Donne was in an episode of Dads Army. It was the episode where Hitler made some strawberry some jam
The above screenshot has been taken with cutting edge technologs.
Apparently Herman Goering is no reltion to Matt Groening, but it turns out they both had the same number of bones in their legs. I do not think this is fukk coincidences.
I just heard one of you ask me if I've been drawng any new comics of laterley. The anser to this is yes I have. I've been doing a graphic about the life and death of Richard Briers. I'vm working on page 87 at the oment covering the period of his life when he was a bomb
I'm 79 years old
I'm toucher. Your gran can lead me to water but she corr make me drink her wasp gas
wile we're on the subjerct of Richar Brier, did you know he had a celestial supreme being living in his eye socket? Here's a secret photo taken of him at my birthday party...the UK government tried to supress this information but I'm showing you anyway. Ed Snowdon helped me get it published
this can't be happernin
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