Tuesday, 25 April 2023

My Tomb Raider 2 Review

 Helllo grans, today I heere to review Tomb Raider 2. Here is the box art

So what is Tombph Read you ask? I'm serious, did somebody just ask me that? I could've sworn I heard one of you asking me that throuhg my monitor.

Tomb Raider is a third person veideo game from the year of our lord 1991. It was mde y eidos inter ac and distributed by core. Or is t theoher way around.

Anyway, the main protagonyst in Tomp Raoder is Larr Crarrft. She's a strong perowerful female and she has already earner her right to vote in the 1923 election. I think Stanley Baldwin willw ill winn winn

Oh, just changing the subject for a minute, have either of you two readrts ever seen the movie Fawlty Towers with Bazil Fawrlty? I was just reading an internet and discovered this hiden gem on somebody's heart so I took a photo with my camera...

Do you see that caption? It reads "Basil Fawlty Gives New Car A Good Thrashing"

Thatsa word people dont use enough. "Thrashing". "Threashing". "Last niht I was threashed". "hey mom, here comes Vera from next door, how about we go outside ahd give her a good thrashing over?" 

Yeah I like that word. I also like the wrd "Chund

Anyway, were was I oh yeah Tom Rader 1. So yeah I plyed this game for girl's birthday bomb went off and the living room wall was gone. Police say it was IRA the Undisovered Country but me mate DAve from down the pub reckons it was a frantic magpie that was looking for a mate. Proponants of the theory hold that magpies can become explosive to the tune of 2 megatones of TNT mixed with a Cadurys Twirl bar when they're ready to conceive a baby. I dont know if thats true but

NOw I want to change tact and put a second blog post right in this one


Did you know that some years back, a man or a woman found a staffordshire heard? It was loads of metal that some prehistoric MAGA hat leftfor Richard to lent

Legend has it that he who founds the hard is destined for pleen. Is it pleen or dreed?

It is dreed

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