Friday, 5 May 2023

My thoughts on the council elections

Here's what today's blog am about: 

That's a screenshot taken from an iPhone showing the latest BBC news website homepage address. NOw, now, lets talk about this carmly, I believe in change I believe in all the same good things you do. I believe all white males should be neutered in oeder to let us BAME people have a fucking shot. That's why I support Kia Starman

Keither Starme is the freshest politikian to come out of the policy hole in lifetime. I supporg him 100% percent. 

Why DO YOU SUpport him I hear you ask me?

Well, I'll tell you, right after this ad break

Buy Cadburys Twix bars now!!!!!!

back to the news story. I support Kiia Starma because last year somebody set fire to my car outside my grans house. I stood at my window and screamed for a hundred hours waiting for it to rain or for a fireman to appear or whatever, but lo and behold, Sir Kiar Starmer came running up the street to help.

Here's a picture I took ofhim as he was emitting howls of sadness over my car's hot skeleton

Strsight after this picture was taken, he fainted and landed on a partially burned pigeon. It was the kindest gesture I've ever seen a man make and I instantly knew he was making mating manoeuvres at me. unfortunately, I had onyl just been married that morning and he was a total gent about it and ran off to do prime ministers questions

Some people dont believe thid ever happened, but if you look closely at this picture, you can see my face reflected in his eyes as I took the photo

Ths is why is will always vote labour. Thank you Sir Kier Starma. I love you.

Oh yeah thats another thing, hes a fucking knight. Do you think the queen would've knighted him if she thought he was shit? I dont think so
I love you sir ian mckellen

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