Sunday, 17 December 2017

My Review of Star Trek Last Jedi

Heelow pupils. Ive not long come back from das kino having watched thelatest Face Wars movib and I wanted to give my own spoiler-filled revioo of what I jkust sin

A smeny of you whill now I'm a huge bopbby harrel wars fan, having grown up with Force Awkens as a childD. The light sabre battlke with beitween Christopher Skywalken and Lester Piggot it once of my all time favourite dip


The opens with the usual title card, the one that we're all familiar with:

Personally I think this was a mnistake right off the bat. Not only are they treading the same terririty as before but it's totally disloyal to the character of Luke SKywalker. They're fucking cunts. Georgie Lucas must be spinning in his graves! The rest of the film is a pile of a shit! I can't believe anybody like it, it's fucking rubbish. The acting is like somebody has taken a pint of shit and rammed it down my unborn kids throat in front of me while I meself on my deathbed from alzeimers.

Porges gave me dementias

All the bits that have been filmed on camera have left a taste of bitter shit shandy in my gob and it has officially ruined my childhood.

The casino scene felt like it was a pile of shit that Rolf Harris and Chris Langham done to some kids. IT'S FUCKING DISASTER! JAMES CAMERON! COME ON ELLLIE MACPHEARSON GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER


I was saying. the fiolm didnt do enough to copy Empire Strikes Back...whats the fuck of poiint doing a star wars film that doesnt fullfil all myu hopes and dreams. every sinelg ewars star film so far has been brilliant, best films ever made - LL OF THEM - how dare they made one that isnt perfec

When the fgilm ended the audience in ythe cnema I was lying in cheered wqith cum bursts

It remended me if when I used to go to high school with my mate Pad
Paddy hekled me invent the comic character of Brickens in 1996...I'll never forget my fred

Other frenks I had at Woodbery Hight School are captured in this fotograph that I bought off an he basy

House Sharing - is it right for you?

So I started thinking about landlord Terrnce Mallik the other shed snoth - is it right four everlyboty
Short answer: <>

When I likved in a house with meny freds and other peeply it was somrtimes great but uther times iw as shit. Hers and exchange I remember from my 2010 day

If youre readfing this article on you smart phone you should fuck it. go home and read this article on a desktop computer before they die of extinction!

For betty perylrftdghb 

Madame Guinnan woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop I cant remember the last time somebody shook my hand and I didnt cry out from the pain of crushed bones, I think my brittle bone diseaz has solved itself

I'm not saying goodbye on this blog article. Go to the BBC Good Food show and I'll show you my cock

Only joking, I'm a female woman and in place of a cock a have whats known as a dick cave whammed between my legs. God was rather spledg when he med me LOL

1 comment:

  1. thank you for writing my own comment for me myself on my own blog that I wrote and read to myself last moment


My review of Legend of Zelder; Tears of the Kingdom

 Hello all. Oh hang on, let me change the font yeah thats better. So I haven't writter anyhing on here for a few years becuse I've b...