#Me Too
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WI1commen Milk-lustre Friday reee deers,
It's been so long since moi lass post been/being that I was so (mini)Dis(c)apointed with Star Trek the Last Jedi hahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...I meant "TekWar: The Last Jedi"
I'm doing sex again.
Last night as I lay in my mock Tudor bed with my copy of Fifty shades of Gray tucked between my minge flaps... I slowly kissed my should blades good night....
Alas Joschuu'rrs my dead baby from 1996 came into my Bed and placed his face on my portable kneecap.
"Mum" he said. "Mum" Said my dead slightly brown baby Junk
"What do you want Joshua?" said me
He didn't want anything cus he was dead. He died on a Tuesday and I buried him weekly in the bins down by the ASDA's.
The ENd
Enjoy this bloddy comic thing I did just now with some of my monthly blooed and a photo copy of Billy Grahams image draped in my blood. My Monthly blood. My thick hot sex ketchup lay milking from my discoloured broken lady box onto this PHUUTO:
Helloo readers and welcome to ill
children are deserately black and white in my opinion
captn crunch breakfast
hey siri, what's my mother's maiden snatch bottle clasp? it's rain
Intriduction Star Trek Nemesis paty 3
Part 1 Mr Nemesis descides t attack the space yards
Paty B enterprise attacks the Nemesis man but Tom HArdy realises his face is made of plutono
Jonathan Frakes part iii) I told you to wash the fucking cats
Soron decides to be friernds with Phoebe and Joey
The end: Counsellor Troi becomes cardiasss
my name is romarne truppppes
hello my friends,
i hope you;ve read th bove comic and gifs (prononse) but I feel I should be open an tell you about some things that have been hapopening with m lately. notthing to do with joshuas, I knwo youre sick of hearig sbout him. no, I want to talk about my female genital mutilation. when I wa a small uslim girl grouwng up in Packistan, when Iw as borned my dad took a hacksaw to my clit and sawed off my beautiflul part. ever since then I'v not been able to enjhoy the fulls esnsations of sexual congress. now I know what you;re tinhking, does this affect my EagleMoss STar ship collecion. IN a word; "no" it doe.
Hello and good bye from the Romarne family treee
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